
In general, spell out single-digit numbers (one, two… eight, nine) and use figures for 10 or higher. At the start of a sentence, spell out all numbers. Twenty people showed up for the event.

  • dates (June 1; 5 BC)
  • addresses (4 Dufferin)
  • numbered highways (Route 5)
  • time (1 o'clock)
  • temperature (6 degrees Celsius)
  • grades (Grade 9)
  • ages (4 years old)
  • sports stats (6-3 victory, 4 points, 6 rebounds)
  • mathematical references (a 2 percent increase)
  • percentages (5 percent)
  • amounts over 999,999 (1 million)
Write out first, second, etc., not 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

Place a comma before the thousands. 2,000 300,000

Class Year
Write the class year (Jacques Smith, Class of 1999) or use an inverted apostrophe (Jacques Smith, ’99). (Microsoft Word inverted apostrophe: CTRL ’ then ’ again)

Write June 23 not June 23rd

Use numerals for decades with S (no apostrophe). The 1940s, the mid-'40s

Use numerals for grades (Grade 7, Grade 12) unless in the phrase "seventh grade." Use Roman numerals when referring specifically to Quebec grade levels (Secondary II, Secondary V). (See Also Capitalization)

Do not use cents if not necessary: $15, not $15.00. Spell out large amounts over a million. $1.5 million, $2 billion

For general numbers use parentheses and space. (819) 876-7891, ext. 270
Toll-free numbers should be written using hyphens: 1-800-876-7891
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